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Child protester with bullhorn, walking with other protesters.

Policing, criminalization, and mass incarceration are primary civil rights issues of our time.

Now more than ever,

tackling discriminatory policing practices and the injustices they perpetuate is critical to achieving racial, gender, economic and social justice, and to bringing us closer to our vision of becoming a society that universally respects, promotes, and protects civil and human rights.

We all have a role to

play in resisting

infringements on civil

and human rights

through policing


We all have a role to play in

resisting infringements on civil

and human rights through

policing practices.

While politicians, police chiefs and police unions hold significant power over policing, each of us also has the power, individually and collectively, to effect change through grassroots organizing, policy advocacy, and civic engagement.

This Toolkit is part of

The Leadership

Conference’s Policing

Campaign project.

This Toolkit is part of The Leadership

Conference’s Policing Campaign project.

Visit New Era of Policing: A Guide for Fair, Safe, and Effective Policing for more information about the current state of policing, and recommendations for all levels of police departments to make improvements.
Toolkit Topics: